
My 1942 Principal's Cup for public speaking speech.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 652
B Lynn Scholarship Winner 1942
Report in "The Record" 11 February 1943... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 654
Family Ancestry & Descendancy Charts.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 655
Faith and Life Philosophy...... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ... 687
E Halls of Residence: A Philosophy, January 1967.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 715
An Example of a "Fine" at an Apex Club Meeting... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 723
Quotations & Comments Gleaned over the Years... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 725



Christian Brothers' High School Highgate 1942 competition for the Principal's Cup in Public Speaking

Money is produced in times of war. Why can't it be produced in times of peace for peaceful objects?

Being a lecturette given by J.Fall before the Second-year class upwards at the Christian Brothers' High School, Highgate, and being the winning lecture out of forty entries. Delivered on December the tenth, 1942

Mr Chairman, Brother Keenan, and Gentlemen. Take another example: The capitalist sits by the fire, while the

pauper stands outside in the rain. It is not necessary for the rich During these days of strife, slaughter and unsettlement we all man to ask the poor man in to sit by his fire but it would not harm realise that there must be some changes in the government of our him to allow him to stand on his verandah, where he could shelter country. One of these changes, which I propose to discuss, is the from the rain. There the poor man could stay until the rain ceased. provision of at least a percentage of the money used to finance the Then he could once more step out into the street and go on his way. war for peaceful objects after the war. By this action on the part of the capitalist, the poor man is saved

from the rain and does not get wet. Also, the capitalist neither gains Before talking about the money which I hope will be produced, I nor loses by allowing him to stand there. wish to talk about the money which is being lent, or produced, to finance the present war today. However, this is not the method of the capitalist for, if it was, he

would probably not be a capitalist at all. The capitalist would During the time of war many instruments are built, which require require the poor man to pay a rent, according to the length of time much money. Bombs, guns, tanks and many other implements are he used his verandah. Thus he would make a private gain and it built solely for the purpose of war. In the Great War, the British would be then, and only then, that he would permit the man to government was spending over four million pounds per day. shelter there. Already, in this war, the British government is spending over ten million pounds per day. And so if shown the method of the capitalist: He will lend money

to another who is in need of it only if his own safety counts on it, Of this money, at least one-fifth is destroyed: that is, the products if he can get a hold over the other person, or if he can make private built by the money are destroyed. This means that about two million gain. pounds per day is being destroyed. It is for this reason that our government now asks us for the sum of one hundred million Why is this money not produced in times of peace? pounds, twice a year.

As has been seen, the capitalist will not provide it, and the working-Because this money is being produced for war, the capitalist, or man can't provide it. The capitalist could provide it if he wished to, rich man, does not mind producing it. He supplies it because, in but he does not wish to. doing so, he brings the end to the war nearer, and lessens his danger of being actually engaged in warfare. Why will the capitalist not provide the money?

How is this money produced in times of war? He might not provide it because he can see no use for the money if

it was provided, but this is not the general reason. The capitalist During the time of war, this money is produced or supplied by the does not want to provide the money because he is afraid of losing people themselves, both directly and indirectly. his power. He is afraid that the other man will become greater than

he - afraid that he will lose some of his money. By saying that the money is produced directly, I mean that it is actually supplied by the giving of the people. This is usually done Indeed, he will quite willingly lose some of his money if, in doing by means of War Savings Certificates and National War Bonds. so, he can tread down an opponent, but, if he is doing the opposite

bringing up an opponent - he will not lend the money. By saying that the money is produced indirectly I mean that it is obtained by the government through taxes on all goods and other `Perhaps,' you might say, `he would provide it to the government such means. for improvements.' This illustrates how the money is obtained to finance the present war. He might provide it, but there would be a chance of the government

improving the conditions of the poor. This would give them more Is this money produced in times of peace? power and they, being opposed to capitalistic power, would

endeavour to overthrow him. Hence, he will not lend the money. No, it is not produced in times of peace, although it should be This shows why the money is not produced. produced. The capitalist produces money only for the reason that it is necessary for his own liberty. However, if he does not suffer, he Could this money be produced? will not lend the money to relieve those who are suffering. His motto is: Myself, and nothing but myself. Yes, it could be produced. That is, the rich men could be taxed by

the government, and the money thus received could be utilised to If he would not benefit by lending the money, he would not lend it. improve the country's position and other such means. He would lend so as to obtain a hold over another person or firm, but if he is unable to obtain that hold he will not lend the money. Another means of obtaining the money is as follows: The govern

ment could establish a bank all proceeds of which, instead of going to the Head-men, or capitalists, would go to the relief of the poor.



Slums could be forbidden, and a law could be passed compelling the Why is there this lack of employment opportunity? owners to rebuild them under modern hygienic conditions.

Firstly, because there are not enough positions to be filled; and, `The people would not stand for it,' you say. `They would revolt secondly because many of the men are not highly skilled enough to against the government.' fill those positions that are vacant. The second reason could be

greatly overcome by better education for everyone. That is, if a By this statement, what do you mean by People? Do you mean The person was talented and wished to become a doctor, and could not Rich? The poor? or Everyone? afford it, he should still be able to become one, irrespective of the

money involved. All education should continue until a person is Surely the poor would not revolt because, if the system were sixteen years of age. introduced, it would work for their benefit. They would not revolt from something that was working for them. Then, since the poor What kind of government works could improve employment would not revolt, it is clear that Everyone could not revolt, so we opportunity? are left with The Rich. If anyone did revolt, these would be the persons to revolt, because their power would gradually be taken Well, for instance, consider the middle of Australia. As we know, away from them. this land is a vast desert,, owing to lack of rain. Could not the

government set about and carry a pipe, or something of the sort, to But, even if they did revolt, could they stand up against the vast this area, and flood it? The country around the flooded area would majority of the working-man? The capitalist, although he owns become fertile. Thus Australia would be able to support a far everything, forms but a small percentage of the total population. greater number of persons. Australia would also become a greater The result might be a civil war between the capitalists and the primary producing country than ever. working-men.

Many people would say that that the achievement would be too `However,' you would say, `if the capitalists were overruled, who great, and that it could not be done. However, if the government set could lend the money to the government? its mind on it and used a great number of the unemployed, that

achievement would not prove too great to be accomplished. This statement forgets the point that, although the capitalist is overruled, his industries remain. It is not the capitalist that produces Again, money could be used to finance war: the money, but the industries, which he controls. These industries could still produce money, therefore the money could still be War against disease produced. War against plague and

War against insects.

To what use could this money be put?

In fact, the more money we lend or give to this kind of war, the There are no end of uses for this money. First, the money could be better. used for government improvements. This would find work for many of the unemployed. If men were supplied with every piece of equipment necessary,

many inventions would be made. Again, the war against disease Very few people realise the number of unemployed persons in the would lessen the amount of illness and, as illness is a cause of world. According to the International Labour Report of 1933, in unemployment, the number would be more greatly lessened. December 1932, the number of unemployed in each country was as

follows: Improvements could also be made in many industries. Research in
scientific matters could be carried on. Thus it is seen that there
Britain 2,969,808 France 264,509 would be no end of uses to which money could be put.
Germany 5,279,666 Italy 949,408
Austria 275,825 Holland 508,977 Would not such a State, filled with poor men, and all industry
Belgium 855,876 Denmark 317,794 owned by the State, be communistic?

and in other countries a further 12 million.

This makes a total of 23,412,861 persons unemployed! A later report in 1935 stated that there were 25 million people unemployed in the world.

The State would not own all industry, but each man would own part of his trade. Some men would be richer than others, but these would be taxed to help the poorer. The State would be an organisation for the people, not as in communism, the people for the State.

Bringing this closer to home, we find that in Australia in 1921 there The State with the money could strive to do its utmost for its were 137,675 persons unemployed. In 1933 this number was people. 495,269.

The poor people, who could not afford it, would not be taxed, So it is seen that the number had trebled. Also, if we go back whereas the rich people, who could afford it would be taxed to help further, we find that the number in 1921 was three times that in the poor people. It would not be fair to tax all, because the poor 1911. This shows that there is a great increase in the number of could not be taxed when they do not have enough money. It would unemployed. also be stupid to tax the poor to help the poor, and would be like

asking a man to subscribe to a collection which was being taken up What is the cause of this unemployment? for that man.

This may be answered by analysing the number of unemployed in In conclusion, I hope that from this lecturette everyone present sees 1933. The reason, and the number unemployed for that reason, is the urgent need for this money to be produced after this war for the as follows: numerous improvements I have mentioned.

Lack of employment opportunity: 355,935. Illness: 17,233; Industrial dispute: 1,526. These, with other smaller causes make up the total number.

In previous years, all causes, except the first, remained fairly constant, while that of the first has greatly increased. It may be said that 90% of Australia's unemployment is due to lack of employment opportunity.




Report in "THE RECORD" 11 February, 1943

those of his opponent in debate with great spirit and a very creditable show

Master John Victor Fall a pupil of the

Christian Brothers' High School,

of intelligence. He is the winner of the

Highgate, was the successful candidate

Principal's Cup for Public Speaking,

for the award of the Lynn Scholarship.


The number of applicants was the largest since the Scholarship was

" John's studious habits have been rewarded by consistent success in his school. In the C.B. Interschool

awarded and the selection gave the

board a difficult task. The Scholarship

Examinations, 1940, First Year Junior

provides £30 a year for three years at

Entrance, he passed in English, History

a registered secondary school, and £50

and Geography, and with Distinction in

for three years at the University.

the following subjects: Arithmetic, Algebra, Latin, Chemistry, Physics, Geometry. In the Second Year Examination, 1941, he gained First

John is the son of Mrs and Flying

Officer V. G. Fall, R.A.F.V.R. His

Place in the State in Arithmetic, won

father, who in civilian life was an

Distinctions in Algebra, Chemistry and

auditor and inspector for Millar's

Bookkeeping and Commercial Methods,

Timber and Trading Co., is now a

and passed in addition in English,

prisoner of war in Java. At the 1942

History, Latin, Geometry, Geography

Junior University Examinations, John,

and Physics. As a student he is very methodical. It is interesting to see his Notes of Lessons, and Summaries,

who is 14 years of age, sat for and

obtained a pass in nine subjects

neatly typed and bound by his own

English, Latin, Maths. A, Maths. B,

hand, indexed and filed for ready

Chemistry, Physics, History,

reference. He has a particular liking for

Geography, Bookkeeping and

Mathematics and Chemistry, at which

Commercial Methods.

subjects he excels.

" Owing to an unfortunate weakness

The Headmaster's report is as follows:

in the ankles, John is not able to indulge in sport. Nevertheless he evinces keen

" I have had the pleasure of knowing interest in the sporting activities of the

Master John Fall since his admittance to school, and usually performs duties of

this school in January, 1939, and I scorer or time-keeper. His general health

gladly testify to his excellent moral is good.

character. A very conscientious boy,

his conduct has always been " He is liked by his companions, and is

irreproachable, and his sense of listened to with great respect by them

propriety, more than usually developed when stating his view of a question or

by careful home training, has saved him a subject in class discussion.

from many of the faults common to

boys of his age. His quiet and retiring " He is, without doubt, a boy who

nature, however, would not prevent his would benefit to the utmost by a defending his opinions or attacking

3 John Victor Fall married Kathleen Mary Melson
4 Thomas Raithby Melson married Jemima Richardson
5 Joseph Melson married Violet Allerton
6 William Allerton married Annie Emily Cater
7 Victor George Fall married Dorothy Rumble
8 Henry Euean Rumble married Grace Martha Humfrey
9 Harry Humfrey Rumble married Kate Rosaline Knight
10 Anthony Knight married Letitia Ho Chee
Henry St.John Knight married Mary Pocock
11 John Ho Chee married Charlotte Mole
12 Daniel Welch married Susan Chamberlaine
13 Chamberlain Mole married Martha Milton
14 Harry Humfrey Rumble to his descendants
15 Herbert Montague Rumble to his descendants
16 Ernest Duncan Rumble to his descendants
17 John Euean Rumble to his descendants




+Q5:Edward FALL Rev (1779-1859) +Q4:James FALL (1817-1878)

* .Q5:Mary UNKNOWN (?-1852) +Q3:George Edward FALL (1850-1917) * * +)5:George TOWNSHEND (?-?)

5 the person's father. 5 5 All Downward lines lead to 5 5 the person's mother. 5

* .Q4:Louisa TOWNSHEND (?-1901) 944444444444444444444444444448

.)5:UNKNOWN (?-?) +Q2:Victor George FALL (1902-1974) +))King Edward I * * +)4:John MCNAMARA (?-?) Thomas DE BROTHERTON (1300-1338)

.)3:Emily Louise MCNAMARA (1870-?) * .))Margaret of France

* .)4:UNKNOWN (?-?) * +)1:John Victor FALL (1928-) many ** +)5:Thomas RUMBLE (1799-1856) Generations ** +)4:Henry Euean RUMBLE (1834-1902) later ** **+)6:Thomas DE BROTHERTON (?-?)S))))))-

*.)5:Frances Mary DE BROTHERTON (1791-1867)

* .)6:UNKNOWN (?-?) * * +)3:Harry Humfrey RUMBLE (1866-1948) **** +)10:Thomas HUMFREY (?-1695) **** +) 9:John HUMFREY (?-1736) **** * .)10:Mary STACEY (?-?) **** +)8:Thomas HUMFREY (?-1733) **** *.) 9:Ann ILBURY (?-?) **** +)7:Thomas HUMFREY (?-1788) **** *.)8:Eleanor YOUEN (?-?) +))))))))))))))))))))))))), **** +)6:Thomas HUMFREY (1756-1836) * THE NUMBER BEFORE * **** *.)7:Jane GAMMON (?-?) * EACH NAME SHOWS THE * * * * * +)5:Joseph HUMFREY (1795-1842) *GENERATION LEVEL RELATIVE* * * * * * .)6:Hannah LOWSLEY (?-?) * TO THAT OF JOHN FALL *

* * * .)4:Grace Martha HUMFREY (1838-1894) .)))))))))))))))))))))))))-

*** .)5:Martha LOWSLEY (?-?)

.)2:Dorothy RUMBLE (1900-1988) ** +)7:Valentine KNIGHT (?-?) ** +)6:Valentine KNIGHT (1754-?)

* *.)7:Ann UNKNOWN (?-?) * * +)5:Valentine KNIGHT (1792-1867)

* *.)6:Mary UNKNOWN (?-?) * *+)4:Anthony KNIGHT (1831-1912) * ***+)6:William WATSON (1773?-1857)

**.)5:Elizabeth WATSON (1802-1895)

** .)6:UNKNOWN (?-?)

.)3:Kate Rosaline KNIGHT (1866-1932) * *+)6:HO Foo (Mandarin) (?-?) * *+)5:Ho Chee (John) (1789-1869)

**.)6:UNKNOWN (?-?)

.)4:Letitia Charlotte HOCHEE (1834-1920) * *+)7:James MOLE (1747-1821) * *+)6:Chamberlain MOLE (1764-1816) * *** +11:Edward WELCH (?-1666) * *** +10:William WELCH (1642-1719) * *** **+)12:John MERRITON (?-1642) * *** *.11:Katherine MERRITON (1603-1673) * *** * .)12:Margaret UNKNOWN (?-1665) * *** +) 9:Daniel WELCH (1686-1728) * *** *.10:Frances UNKNOWN (?-1708) * ***+)8:Daniel WELCH (1719-1749) * ****.) 9:Susan HAMMOND (?-1743)

**.)7:Susanna WELCH (1746-1782) * ** *+) 9:John CHAMBERLAINE (?-1716)

** .)8:Susan CHAMBERLAINE (1719-1777)

** .) 9:Elizabeth HOULGATE (1682-1765)

.)5:Charlotte MOLE (1805-1882) * *+)8:Joseph MILTON (?-1747) * *+)7:James MILTON (1734-1815)

**.)8:Mary UNKNOWN (?-1777)

.)6:Martha MILTON (1768-1847)

R .)7:Sarah KENT (?-1802) (2):Peter John FALL (1957- ) (2):Judith Anne Fall (1955- )




(2):Judith Anne Fall (1955- )

(2)TPeter John FALL (1957- ) * +)5:Joshua MELSON * +)4:Joshua MELSON (1831 - ?)

*.)5:Maria UNKNOWN * +)3:Thomas Raithby MELSON (1863- ?) * **+)5:Thomas RAITHYBY

*.)4:Mary Raithby (1837 - ?)

* .)5:Susan UNKOWN * +)2:Joseph MELSON (1899-1966) *** +)5:John RICHARDSON * * * +)4:John RICHARDSON (1822- 1893) * * * * .)5:UNKNOWN

* .)3:Jemima Polly (Jenny) RICHARDSON (1864-1949)

** .)4:Jemima HARRISON (1826- ?)

.)1:Kathleen Mary MELSON (1926- ) * +)4:Thomas Castleton ALLERTON (?-?) * +)3:William Thomas Edward ALLERTON (1873-1957)

* * .)4:Maryann KING (?-?)

.)2:Violet Olive ALLERTON (1902-1991) * +)4:Edward CATER (?-?) .)3:Annie Emily CATER (1879-1951)

* +)5:Edward SMITH (?-?)

.)4:Mary Elizabeth SMITH (1854- ?) * +)6:William WELLS (1778- ?) .)5:Sarah WELLS (1821- ?)

.)6:Ann PITCHER (1780- ?)

644444444444444444444444444447 5 NOTE: 5 5 All Upward lines lead to 5

Dates and Numbering System

In all the charts that follow, the date following a person's name gives their year of birth. However, a date of death, where given, is shown, for example, as follows: (d. 1695)

Each name is preceded by a number either in the form of 1:, 2: , 3:, .... or (2) , (3) .... This indicates the generational position of that person relative to John Fall. Those of the same generation as John Fall are all numbered 1:

Those one generation earlier than John Fall (eg, his parents and uncles) are all numbered 2: Persons in the next generation back (eg, grandparents) are numbered 3: , and so on.

Persons one generation later than John Fall (eg, his children) are numbered (2). Those who are two generations later ( eg, grandchildren) are numbered (3) , and so on.




5:Edward FALL Rev (1779) sp-5:Mary UNKNOWN (1778)

T 1*))))Q 4:Edward FALL (1809) * 2/))))Q 4:Emma FALL (1811)

* sp-4:Joseph MAJURY

* 3/))))Q 4:Rebekah FALL (1812)

* sp-4:Henry ANGUS Rev * 4/))))Q 4:Hannah FALL (1814)

* 5/))))Q 4:Thomas FALL (1816)

* sp-4:Sarah BRADFORD

* 6/))))Q 4:James FALL (1817)

sp-4:Louisa TOWNSHEND

T +)))))))))))))))))))))))))), * 1/)))Q 3:George Edward FALL (1850) * McNAMARA BRANCH page 661 *

** sp1-3:UNKNOWN .)))))))))))0))))))))))))))- ** *

** sp2-3:Emily Louise MCNAMARA (1870)S)))))))))))))))-

* *T

** 1/)))Q 2:Donald Townshend FALL (1900)

** sp-2:Kathleen (Pat) UNKNOWN * * * +)))))))))))))))))))))))))), ** 2/)))Q 2:Marjorie Louisa FALL (1901) * RUMBLE BRANCH 2 page 668 *

** sp-2:John BENNETT * **

** 3.)))Q 2:Victor George FALL (1902)

.))))))))))))0)))))))))))))- * *

** sp-2:Dorothy RUMBLE (1900)S))))))))))))))))-

** T * * * +)))))))))))))))))))))))), * * .))))))))1 FALL BRANCH 2 page 660 *

* * .))))))))))))))))))))))))- **

2/)))Q 3:Lucy FALL

3/)))Q 3:Laura FALL **

4.)))Q 3:Thomas FALL



* 1.)))Q 2:Thomas FALL

* 7/))))Q 4:Mary Ann FALL (1820)

* sp-4:J NICHOLSON *

8.))))Q 4:Susanna FALL (1822) sp-4:J BUCHANAN




T 3.))))2 Victor George FALL (1902) sp-2 Dorothy RUMBLE (1900)


1/)))Q 1 Dorothy Joan FALL (1926)

* sp-1 Joseph DOUGAN (1924)


* 1/)))Q (2) Dorothy Suzanne DOUGAN (1947)

sp1-(2) Paul PERNA (1949) **

sp2-(2) Thomas Michael FAHERTY (1937) **

* 2/)))Q (2) Jennifer DOUGAN (1950)

** sp- (2) Bruce HOLLAND (1950)


** 1/)))Q (3) Jacqueline R HOLLAND (1971)

*** sp- (3) Afro JUAREZ


*** 1.)))Q (4) Sergio Paulo JUAREZ (1988) ***

** 2/)))Q (3) Bruce HOLLAND (1972)

*** sp- (3) Kristina GIBSON


*** 1.)))Q (4) Samantha HOLLAND (1993) ***

3.)))Q (3) Nicolle HOLLAND (1978) ** **

sp- (2) UNKNOWN


** 1.)))Q (3) Jason HOLLAND (1987) ** **

* 3/)))Q (2) Mary Joan DOUGAN (1954)

sp1- (2) Gary RICHIE **

sp2- (2) Ronald KNECHT (1951)


1/)))Q (3) Megan KNECHT (1984)

2.)))Q (3) Eric KNECHT (1988) **

* 4/)))Q (2) Elizabeth DOUGAN (1957)

** sp-(2) Angelo DIAKOS (1954)


1/)))Q (3) Kristina DIAKOS (1978)

2.)))Q (3) Maria DIAKOS (1980) **

5.)))Q (2) Jane Marie DOUGAN (1960)

sp-(2)Erin Patrick COLLINS (1961)


1/)))Q (3) Jessica COLLINS

2.)))Q (3) Theresa COLLINS * *

2.)))Q 1 John Victor FALL sp-1 Kathleen Mary MELSON T 1/)))Q (2) Judith Anne FALL

+)))))))))), (1983) * JOSEPH * (1986) * MELSON *


* page 683 * (1928) .))))0)))))- (1926)S)))))))-


* sp-(2) Ian Peter OZANNE (1954)


1/)))Q (3) Benjamin Ian OZANNE (1979)

2.)))Q (3) Sasha Joy OZANNE (1983) *

2.)))Q (2) Peter John FALL (1957) sp-(2) Lee Heather BAKER (1959)

T 1/)))Q (3) Shannon Jean FALL (1979) 2/)))Q (3) Michelle Kathleen FALL (1981) 3/)))Q (3) Christopher John FALL (1982) 4.)))Q (3) Amy Elizabeth FALL (1989)






T /)))Q 3: Emily Louise MCNAMARA (1870)

* sp1-3: George Edward FALL (1850)

*T * * +)))))))))))))))))))))))), * .)))))))))1 FALL BRANCH 1 page 659 *

* .))))))))))))))))))))))))- *

sp2-3: John William DUNKLEY * /)))Q 3: Unknown MCNAMARA

sp-3: Unknown WELLS


* /)))Q 2: Louise WELLS

** sp-2: UNKNOWN


* .)))Q 1: Linda UNKNOWN **

.)))Q Unknown WELLS * /)))Q 3:Victor Hugh MCNAMARA (1879)

sp1-3: Ellaline D BOLTON (1902)


.)))Q 2: Patrick MCNAMARA (1924)

sp-2: Diana Naomi V JONES (1933)


* /)))Q 1: Sarah Ruth MCNAMARA (1957)

** sp-1: Andrew NICHOLLS

* *T

* .)))Q (2)Jonnee Oskar NICHOLLS (1989) **

/)))Q 1: Andrew P MCNAMARA (1959)

** sp-1: Jaqueline May SKELTON

* *T

* /)))Q (2) Aaron David MCNAMARA (1985)

* .)))Q (2) Natasha Y MCNAMARA (1988) **

.)))Q 1: Jennifer Anne MCNAMARA (1972) * .)))Q 3: Tilly MCNAMARA

sp-3: William CHARLESWORTH




1--5: Thomas RUMBLE (1791) King Edward I sp1-5: UNKNOWN Margaret of France

T* 1 /)))Q Louisa RUMBLE (1826) Thomas de Brotherton

2-6.)))Q Five other Unknown RUMBLE children (1300 - 1338) T R

Many generations later Thomas de Brotherton

T sp2-5: Frances DE BROTHERTON (1793)))))))))))))))- T 1/)))Q 4: Jane RUMBLE (1829)

* sp-4: Henry WEBB


* 1.)))Q 3: Harry (John?) WEBB

* 2/)))Q 4: John Thomas RUMBLE (1829)

* sp-4: Ann BLOWER

* 3/)))Q 4: Thomas William RUMBLE (1832)

* sp1-4: Lydia Mary SPICER


.)))Q 3: Four Unknown RUMBLE children *

sp2-4: Sarah Elizabeth HOARE


* 1.)))Q 3: Emily Beatrice RUMBLE

* 4/)))Q 4: Henry Euean RUMBLE

+))))))))))))))), (1883) *HUMFREY BRANCH * * page 673 * (1834) .))))))0))))))))-

* sp-4: Grace Martha HUMFREY (1839)S))))))))))-


1/)))Q 3: Henry RUMBLE (1861) **

2/)))Q 3: Grace D RUMBLE (1862)

** sp-3: Robert William WALL **

3/)))Q 3: Unknown RUMBLE

4/)))Q 3: Eueanita Blanche RUMBLE

+)))))))))))))), (1863) *KNIGHT BRANCH * (1864) * page 674 *

* .)))))))0))))))- * 5/)))Q 3: Harry Humfrey RUMBLE (1866) *

** sp-3: Kate Rosaline KNIGHT (1866)S)))))))))))))-

* * T +))))))))))))))))))))))))),

* * .)))))))1 RUMBLE BRANCH 2 page 663*

* * .)))))))))))))))))))))))))-

* 6/)))Q 3: Herbert Montague RUMBLE (1868)

** sp-3: Mary Georgina KNIGHT (1872)

* * T +))))))))))))))))))))))))),

* * .)))))))1 RUMBLE BRANCH 3 page 669*

* * .)))))))))))))))))))))))))-

7/)))Q 3: Frances Mary RUMBLE (1870)

8/)))Q 3: Joseph Humfrey RUMBLE (1872) **

9/)))Q 3: Ernest Duncan L RUMBLE (1874)

** sp-3: Martha SAELENS (1896)

* T +)))))))))))))))))))))))))), * * .)))))))1 RUMBLE BRANCH 4 page 671 *

* .))))))))))))))))))))))))))-

* 10/)))Q 3: John Euean RUMBLE (1875)

** sp-3: Gladys Maud SCOTT

* T +)))))))))))))))))))))))))), * * .)))))))1 RUMBLE BRANCH 5 page 671 *

* .))))))))))))))))))))))))))-

* 11.)))Q 3: Mercy Geraldine RUMBLE (1877)

* 5.)))Q 4: Unknown RUMBLE (1834)






* KNIGHT DESCENDANCY CHART page 674* .)))))))))))))))))))0))))))))))))))- 5.)))Q 3: Harry Humfrey RUMBLE (1866) * sp-3: Kate Rosaline KNIGHT (1866)S))))))))))))))))))))- T 1/)))Q 2: Horace RUMBLE (1889)

* sp-2: Vera Louise GLOVER (1894)


* 1/)))Q 1: Jean RUMBLE (1920)

** sp1-1: Erwin Hollis WESTOVER (1920)


** 1.)))Q (2) Kenneth G WESTOVER (1943)

** sp-(2) Wendy S SMITHARD (1939)

** T

** 1.)))Q (3) Lisa Samantha WESTOVER (1972) **

** sp2-1: Barton Francis WARREN (1926)


** 1/)))Q (2) Jennifer Kay WARREN (1959)

*** sp1-(2) Brett Michael WALDIE (1960)


*** 1.)))Q (3) Michael James WALDIE (1977) ***

*** sp2-(2) Vincenzo AMMENDOLEA (1962)


*** 2.)))Q (3) Renee AMMENDOLEA (1988) ***

** 2.)))Q (2) Kim Lorrain A WARREN (1961) **

* 2/)))Q 1: Robert Donald RUMBLE (1922)

** sp1-1: Marjorie Rose STOTT (1923)


** 1/)))Q (2) Kevin Nolan RUMBLE (1948)

*** sp-(2) Jan TAYLOR (1953)


*** 1/)))Q (3) Jeremy RUMBLE (1979)

*** 2.)))Q (3) Beau RUMBLE (1982) ***

** 2/)))Q (2) Trevor John RUMBLE (1949)

*** sp-(2) Dominique MULDER (1963)


*** 1/)))Q (3) Sharney RUMBLE (1986)

*** 2.)))Q (3) Todd RUMBLE (1989) ***

** 3.)))Q (2) Wayne RUMBLE (1951)

** sp-(2) Margaret BERRYMAN (1953)

** T

** 1/)))Q (3) Sarah Jane RUMBLE (1974)

** 2/)))Q (3) Amy Lee RUMBLE (1976)

** 3.)))Q (3) Robert Albert RUMBLE (1982) **

** sp2-1: Dorothy May H WILLIAMS (1938)



5.)))Q 3: Harry Humfrey RUMBLE (1866)

sp-3: Kate Rosaline KNIGHT (1866)

T 1/)))Q 2: Horace RUMBLE (1889)

* sp-2: Vera Louise GLOVER (1894) - - - - -* -T - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

* 3/))Q 1: Peter Brian RUMBLE (1925) continued

** sp-1: Joyce Shirley GRAHAM (1928) from last page


** 1/)))Q (2) Susan Peta RUMBLE (1949)

*** sp-(2) Michael John K FLOWER (1943)


*** 1/)))Q (3) Kate FLOWER (1975)

*** 2/)))Q (3) Simon FLOWER (1977)

*** 3.)))Q (3) Thomas FLOWER (1981) ***

** 2/)))Q (2) Christine L RUMBLE (1952)

*** sp-(2) Eric George TASKER (1947)


*** 1/)))Q (3) Richard TASKER (1975)

*** 2/)))Q (3) Paul TASKER (1977)

*** 3.)))Q (3) James TASKER (1980) ***

** 3.)))Q (2) Jane Elizabeth RUMBLE (1960)

** sp-(2) Paul William BRIDGWOOD

** T

** 1/)))Q (3) Matthew BRIDGWOOD (1985)

** 2.)))Q (3) Louise BRIDGWOOD (1986) **

* 4.)))Q 1: Nancy Claire RUMBLE (1928)

* sp-1: Frederick Lewis MILLS (1914)


* 1.)))Q (2) Raymond Bruce MILLS (1950)

* sp-(2) Rhonda Beverley ALLEN (1952)


* 1/)))Q (3) Johanne Lauren MILLS (1982)

* 2.)))Q (3) Christopher A MILLS (1984) * 2/)))Q 2: Eric RUMBLE (1891)

* sp1-2: Isabel ANDERSON (1879)


* 1/)))Q 1: James Eric RUMBLE (1917)

** sp-1: Joan Isabel DAVEY (1918)


** 1/)))Q (2) Graeme Ross RUMBLE (1944)

*** sp-(2) Shelley Anna NEWMAN (1951) ***

** 2/)))Q (2) Ian James RUMBLE (1952)

*** sp-(2) Sharon Kaye ESPLAN (1954)


*** 1/)))Q (3) Livia Gaye RUMBLE (1977)

*** 2/)))Q (3) Tegan Jane RUMBLE (1979)

*** 3.)))Q (3) Emily Louise RUMBLE (1984) ***

** 3.)))Q (2) Paul Lewis RUMBLE (1955)

** sp-(2) Julie BROWN (1955)

** T

** 1/)))Q (3) Amy Joanne RUMBLE (1984)

** 2.)))Q (3) Natalie M RUMBLE (1987)



5.)))Q 3: Harry Humfrey RUMBLE (1866)

sp-3: Kate Rosaline KNIGHT (1866)

T 2/)))Q 2: Eric RUMBLE (1891)

* sp1-2: Isabel ANDERSON (1879) - - - - -* -T - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

2.)))Q 1: Ross Anthony RUMBLE (1919) continued from

sp-1: Beryl Dulcie OSBORN (1922) last page


* 1/)))Q (2) Baden Anthony RUMBLE (1947)

** sp-(2) Feroza SURTIE

* *T

1/)))Q (3) Benjamin Subhan RUMBLE (1980)

2.)))Q (3) Leila Naledi RUMBLE (1982) **

* 2/)))Q (2) Rosemary Sue RUMBLE (1950)

** sp-(2) Hans ARKEVELD

* *T

1/)))Q (3) Skye Chartri ARKEVELD (1972)

2.)))Q (3) Emanuel ARKEVELD (1975) **

3.)))Q (2) Pamela Joanne RUMBLE (1952)

sp1-(2) Michael MITTON


1.)))Q (3) Amanda Emily RUMBLE (1980) *

sp2-(2) Paul LLEWELLYN


2.)))Q (3) Tsepo Marcus LLEWELLYN (1986) *

sp2-2: Lydia May BASSETT (1909)


* 1/)))Q 1: Elsa Erica RUMBLE (1931)

** sp-1: Peter John MATTHEWS (1932)


** 1/)))Q (2) James Ronald MATTHEWS (1954)

*** sp-(2) Pauline SOUTHERN


1/)))Q (3) Felicity M MATTHEWS (1988)

2.)))Q (3) Stephanie Lee MATTHEWS (1990) ***

** 2/)))Q (2) Robert G MATTHEWS (1955)

*** sp-(2) Kate SMITHSON (1958)


1/)))Q (3) Beren E MATTHEWS (1983)

2/)))Q (3) Dylan Ivare MATTHEWS (1986)

3/)))Q (3) Rasa Suruli MATTHEWS (1988)

4/)))Q (3) Kalyana S MATTHEWS (1989)

5.)))Q (3) Ariel T'ai MATTHEWS (1992) ***

** 3/)))Q (2) Trevor M MATTHEWS (1956)

*** sp-(2) Ronnie FORRESTER (1956)


1/)))Q (3) Jodie Nicole MATTHEWS (1976)

2.)))Q (3) Anthony M MATTHEWS (1979) ***

4/)))Q (2) Kim C MATTHEWS (1958) ***

5/)))Q (2) Anne C MATTHEWS (1959)

*** sp-(2) Hubert Brian ARNEY (1941)


*** 1.)))Q (3)Hannah Louise ARNEY (1988) ***

** 6/)))Q (2) Patricia H MATTHEWS (1961)

*** sp-(2) Jeffrey Ross STORRYS (1952)


1/)))Q (3) Zayla Elsa STORRYS (1984)

2.)))Q (3) Dale Ashley STORRYS (1986) ***

** 7/)))Q (2) David Neil MATTHEWS (1962)

*** sp-(2) Marguerite HEVLIN ***



5.)))Q 3: Harry Humfrey RUMBLE (1866)

sp-3: Kate Rosaline KNIGHT (1866)

2/)))Q 2: Eric RUMBLE (1891)

* sp2-2: Lydia May BASSETT (1909)


* 1/)))Q 1: Elsa Erica RUMBLE (1931)

** sp-1: Peter John MATTHEWS (1932) - - - - -*- -*- -T- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

** 8/)))Q (2) Peter Brian C MATTHEWS (1964) continued from

*** sp-(2) Debbie Renee LISLE (1961) last page


*** 1/)))Q (3) Daniel Brian MATTHEWS (1984)

*** 2/)))Q (3) Corey Thomas MATTHEWS (1986)

*** 3.)))Q (3) Rowan Lee MATTHEWS (1988) ***

** 9/)))Q (2) Philip Adrian MATTHEWS (1965)

*** sp-(2) Danielle Bambi LISLE (1964)


*** 1/)))Q (3) Harmony Rose MATTHEWS (1985)

*** 2/)))Q (3) Emilie Jayne MATTHEWS (1986)

*** 3.)))Q (3) Tahlia F MATTHEWS (1988) ***

** 10/)))Q (2) Terence John MATTHEWS (1970)

** 11.)))Q (2) Geoffrey F MATTHEWS (1972) **

* 2/)))Q 1: Robin Elizabeth RUMBLE (1937)

** sp-1: Robert Joseph FURPHY (1937)


** 1/)))Q (2) Stephen John FURPHY (1961)

*** sp-(2) Mei KHOO ***

** 2/)))Q (2) Valerie Ann FURPHY (1962) ***

** 3/)))Q (2) Arlene Joy FURPHY (1964)

*** sp-(2) Wayne Anthony HEWITT (1959) ***

** 4.)))Q (2) Brenda May FURPHY (1965)

** sp-(2) Andrew Lloyd ROHL (1966) **

* 3.)))Q 1: Penelope A RUMBLE (1942)

* sp-1: Timothy Er Ming TAY (1937)


* 1/)))Q (2) Amanda Margaret TAY (1960)

** sp-(2) David Brian NORTH (1960)

* *T

** 1/)))Q (3) Robert David O NORTH (1990)

** 2.)))Q (3) Thomas Lee NORTH **

* 2/)))Q (2) Daniel Eric TAY (1963)

** sp-(2) Suzanne DONNELLY (1969)

* *T

** 1.)))Q (3) Jordan Ian TAY (1991) **

* 3/)))Q (2) Stephanie Alice TAY (1965)

** sp-(2) Peter Brian AHEARN (1962)

* *T

** 1.)))Q (3) Hayley Ellen AHEARN (1983) **

* 4/)))Q (2) Richard Michael TAY (1966)

* 5/)))Q (2) Robert Byron TAY (1968)

* 6/)))Q (2) Madeline Elizabeth TAY (1969)

** sp-(2) Stephen HIGHFIELD

* *T

** 1.)))Q (3) Christopher HIGHFIELD (1991) **

* 7/)))Q (2) Christine Mary TAY (1973)

* 8/)))Q (2) Michael Timothy TAY (1976)

* 9/)))Q (2) Susan Marie TAY (1978)

* 10/)))Q (2) Gemma Penelope TAY (1981)

* 11/)))Q (2) Patrick John TAY (1985)

* 12.)))Q (2) Alex Christopher TAY (1985)



5.)))Q 3: Harry Humfrey RUMBLE (1866) sp-3: Kate Rosaline KNIGHT (1866) - - - - -T - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3/)))Q 2: Leslie RUMBLE (1892) continued from

* last page 4/Q4-- 2: Maude Mildred RUMBLE (1894)

* sp-2: Frank SPENCER (1899)


* 1.)))Q 1: Miriamme SPENCER(CHOWN) (1926)

* sp-1: John David YOUNG (1932)


* 1/)))Q (2) John Francis YOUNG (1954)

** sp-(2) Patricia Ann VAREY (1957)

* *T

** 1/)))Q (3) Christopher John YOUNG (1975)

** 2/)))Q (3) Brett William YOUNG (1978)

** 3.)))Q (3) Zoe Louise YOUNG (1980) **

* 2/)))Q (2) Peter James J YOUNG (1957)

** sp-(2) Anne Imelda BOYLE (1955)

* *T

** 1/)))Q (3) Benjamin James YOUNG (1985)

** 2/)))Q (3) Sarah Kate YOUNG (1987)

** 3.)))Q (3) Clare Elizabeth YOUNG (1989) **

* 3.)))Q (2) Louise Maudie YOUNG (1962)

* sp1-(2) Mark ANDERSON (1960) *

* sp2-(2) Ian LONGWORTH


* 1.)))Q (3) Adam Daniel LONGWORTH (1995) * 5/)))Q 2: Euean Humfrey RUMBLE (1896)

* sp-2: Allison Muriel LOVE (1893)


* 1/)))Q 1: Lesley June RUMBLE (1923)

** sp-1: James M CARROLL (1926)


** 1/)))Q (2) Graeme James CARROLL (1952)

*** sp-(2) Janet Patricia MURDOCH (1952)


*** 1/)))Q (3) Leon James CARROLL (1977)

*** 2/)))Q (3) Gillian P CARROLL (1978)

*** 3/)))Q (3) Erin Margaret CARROLL (1980)

*** 4/)))Q (3) Frances D CARROLL (1983)

*** 5/)))Q (3) Patrick M CARROLL (1987)

*** 6.)))Q (3) Bronwyn V CARROLL (1989) ***

** 2/)))Q (2) Stephen Euean CARROLL (1954)

*** sp-(2) Valma ARVIDSON (1954)


*** 1/)))Q (3) Peter James CARROLL (1989)

*** 2/)))Q (3) Michael John CARROLL (1991)

*** 3.)))Q (3) Laura Rose CARROLL (1991) ***

** 3.)))Q (2) Janine E CARROLL (1959)

** sp-(2) Martin P FITZPATRICK (1958)

** T

** 1.)))Q (3) Paul M FITZPATRICK (1990) **

* 2/)))Q 1: Ailsa May RUMBLE (1926)

** sp-1: Gregory F SHEEHAN (1930)


** 1/)))Q (2) Craig Dureau SHEEHAN (1959)

*** sp-(2) Janice Mary DEAKIN (1963) ***

** 2.)))Q (2) Mark Andrew SHEEHAN (1961)

** sp-(2) Sally A LOUDON (1965)

** T

** 1.)))Q (3) Penny A SHEEHAN (1994)



5.)))Q 3: Harry Humfrey RUMBLE (1866) sp-3: Kate Rosaline KNIGHT (1866)

* 5/)))Q 2: Euean Humfrey RUMBLE (1896)

* sp-2: Allison Muriel LOVE (1893) - - - - -*- -T- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

* 3.)))Q 1: Alison Lynette RUMBLE (1934) continued from

* sp-1:John Thomas BASEDEN (1934) last page


* 1/)))Q (2) Sharon Alison BASEDEN (1959)

** sp-(2) John William ROOKER (1956)

* *T

** 1/)))Q (3) Natalie Joy ROOKER (1982)

** 2/)))Q (3) Monica Lee ROOKER (1983)

** 3.)))Q (3) Lucia Nicole ROOKER (1988) **

* 2/)))Q (2) Michelle Lee BASEDEN (1963)

** sp-(2) Jeffrey Leland KUESER (1964)

* *T

** 1/)))Q (3) Leland John KUESER (1988)

** 2/)))Q (3) Courtney Alison KUESER (1991)

** 3.)))Q (3) Brandon James KUESER (1993) **

* 3.)))Q (2) Darrel John A BASEDEN (1967) * 6/)))Q 2: Phyllis Mary RUMBLE (1899)

* sp-2: Edward John CHOWN (1897)


* 1/)))Q 1: Joseph Edward C CHOWN (1929)

** sp-1: Caroline Maria PERRY (1949)


** 1/)))Q (2) Georgia Maria CHOWN (1973)

** 2/)))Q (2) Matthew Joseph CHOWN (1975)

** 3.)))Q (2) Lewis CHOWN (1975) **

* 2.)))Q 1: Edward Leslie CHOWN (1937)

* sp-1: Dawn E MAYBERRY (1941)


* 1/)))Q (2) Deirdre Phyllis M CHOWN (1965)

** sp-(2) James MCDERMID **

* 2/)))Q (2) Annette J CHOWN (1966) **

* 3/)))Q (2) Gail Miriamme CHOWN (1966)

** sp-(2) Euan James ALLOTT (1959)

* *T

** 1.)))Q (3) James C ALLOTT (1989) **

* 4/)))Q (2) Hayley Dorothy CHOWN (1968)

** sp-(2) John Christopher TUCK (1967) **

* 5.)))Q (2) Raena Dawn CHOWN (1969) * .)))Q 2: Dorothy RUMBLE (1900) sp-2: Victor George FALL (1902)

T +))))))))))))))))))))))))), .))))))1 FALL BRANCH 2 page 660 * .)))))))))))))))))))))))))-





4.)))Q 4: Henry Euean RUMBLE (1834)

sp-4: Grace Martha HUMFREY (1839)

T 6.)))Q 3: Herbert Montague RUMBLE (1868) sp-3: Mary Georgina KNIGHT (1872)


1/)))Q 2: Lottie Georgina RUMBLE (1893)

* sp-2: Herbert G WILLIAMS


* 1.)))Q 1: John WILLIAMS

* 2/)))Q 2: Letitia G RUMBLE (1894)

* sp-2: Unknown WILLIAMS

* 3/)))Q 2: Cyril Alfred RUMBLE (1898)

* sp-2: Violet A. GOVIER


* 1.)))Q 1: Juliet C. RUMBLE

* 4/)))Q 2: Mary Dorothy RUMBLE (1901)

* sp1-2: Harold CARTER (1903)


1/)))Q 1: Raymond H. W. CARTER (1923)

2/)))Q 1: Richard J. CARTER (1924)

3/)))Q 1: Dennis F. CARTER (1927)

** Josephine and John are

4.)))Q 1: Josephine Mary CARTER (1933) cousins, John being the

sp-1: John Henry F RUMBLE (1930) son of Mary Dorothy's

*T brother, Montague

* 1/)))Q (2) Karen Ann RUMBLE (1954)

** sp-(2) James Edward HARLOWE

* *T

1/)))Q (3) Samuel James D HARLOWE (1985)

2.)))Q (3) Melissa Faye HARLOWE (1988) **

* 2/)))Q (2) Jacqueline M RUMBLE (1957)

** sp-(2) Paul JACQUES

* *T

** 1.)))Q (3) Luke Paul JACQUES (1984) **

3.)))Q (2) David John RUMBLE (1966) *

sp2-2: ALLAN-601


* 1.)))Q 1: Mary ALLAN *

5.)))Q 2: Montague H RUMBLE (1904) sp-2: Amy Augusta TEBBOTH (1905)

T 1/)))Q 1: Herbert M RUMBLE (1929)

* sp-1: Daisy M. BEDDING


1/)))Q (2) Angela RUMBLE

2.)))Q (2) Monty RUMBLE

* 2/)))Q 1: John Henry F RUMBLE (1930)

* sp-1: Josephine Mary CARTER (1933)

*T * * +))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))), ** * John and Josephine are cousins, Josephine being * * .)))))1 the daughter of Montague's sister, Mary Dorothy. * ** See under Josephine, above, on this page for * ** details of their children *

* .)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))- *



4.)))Q 4: Henry Euean RUMBLE (1834) sp-4: Grace Martha HUMFREY (1839)

T 6.)))Q 3: Herbert Montague RUMBLE (1868) sp-3: Mary Georgina KNIGHT (1872)

T * 5.)))Q 2: Montague H RUMBLE (1904) sp-2: Amy Augusta TEBBOTH (1905) - - - - - - -T- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3/)))Q 1: Douglass E. RUMBLE (1932) continued from

* sp-1: Freda V. A. HILL last page


* 1/)))Q (2) Julie A. RUMBLE (1961)

** sp-(2) Unknown TAYLOR **

2/)))Q (2) Adrian D. RUMBLE (1963)

3.)))Q (2) Paul Eugene RUMBLE (1968)

* 4/)))Q 1: Euan RUMBLE (1934)

* sp-1: Rosetta SINISCALCO


* 1/)))Q (2) Euan F. RUMBLE (1956)

** sp-(2) UNKNOWN


1/)))Q (3) John RUMBLE

2.)))Q (3) Rebecca RUMBLE **

2.)))Q (2) Vincenzo E. RUMBLE (1956)

sp-(2) UNKNOWN


* 1.)))Q (3) Thomas RUMBLE *

5.)))Q 1: Anita RUMBLE (1936) sp-1: Bryan W. HUXTABLE

T 1/)))Q (2) Christopher HUXTABLE (1957) 2/)))Q (2) Stephen N. J. HUXTABLE (1959) 3.)))Q (2) Wesley C. HUXTABLE (1961)





* 4.)))Q 4: Henry Euean RUMBLE (1834) sp-4: Grace Martha HUMFREY (1839)

T 9.)))Q 3: Ernest Duncan L RUMBLE (1874) sp-3: Martha SAELENS (1896)

T 1/)))Q 2: Frances Martha RUMBLE (1919)

* sp-2: George BAYNTON (1901) *

2.)))Q 2: Joseph Duncan B RUMBLE (1922) sp-2: Joyce Muriel CAESAR

T 1/)))Q 1: Mark RUMBLE (1947)

* sp-1: Jane FLATT


1/)))Q (2) Amanda RUMBLE (1974)

2/)))Q (2) Samantha RUMBLE (1976)

3.)))Q (2) Sheena RUMBLE (1984)

* 2/)))Q 1: Mary (Maryanne) RUMBLE (1949)

* sp-1: Derek TATE (1949)


1/)))Q (2) Russell Duncan TATE (1974)

2/)))Q (2) Peta Joanne TATE (1977)

3/)))Q (2) Douglass C TATE (1981)

4.)))Q (2)Kerry Elizabeth TATE (1983) *

3.)))Q 1: Angela RUMBLE sp-1: Crispin WHITING

T 1/)))Q (2) Georgina WHITING (1988) 2.)))Q (2) Briany-Rose WHITING (1991)



* 4.)))Q 4: Henry Euean RUMBLE (1834) sp-4: Grace Martha HUMFREY (1839)

T 10.)))Q 3: John Euean RUMBLE (1875) sp-3: Gladys Maud SCOTT

T 1/)))Q 2: John Faithfull J RUMBLE (1919)

* sp-2: Joyce Florence J ROSE (1920)


1/)))Q 1: Michael John S RUMBLE (1952) **

2.)))Q 1: David Euean RUMBLE (1954)

sp-1: Sara COLLINS


1/)))Q (2) Alexander David RUMBLE (1984)

2.)))Q (2) Hayley Jayne RUMBLE (1988) *

2.)))Q 2: Thomas Euean T RUMBLE (1922) sp-2: Adeline Isabelle FIRTH (1922)

T 1/)))Q 1: Gillian Mary RUMBLE (1947)

* sp-1: UNKNOWN

* 2/)))Q 1: Melanie Jane RUMBLE (1951) 3.)))Q 1: Timothy Scott RUMBLE (1961)




11: Thomas HUMFREY(1616) sp-11: Ann UNKNOWN

T 1/)))Q 10: Thomas HUMFREY

* sp-10: Mary STACEY


* 1/)))Q 9: John HUMFREY

** sp-9: Ann ILBURY


** 1/)))Q 8: Thomas HUMFREY

*** sp-8: Eleanor YOUEN


*** 1/)))Q 7: Thomas HUMFREY **** sp-7: Jane GAMMON ****T **** 1/)))Q 6: Jane Gammon HUMFREY ***** sp-6: Unknown GODDARD ***** **** 2/)))Q 6: Eleanor HUMFREY (1754) ***** sp-6: Unknown GODDARD ***** **** 3/)))Q 6: Thomas HUMFREY (1756) ***** sp-6: Hannah LOWSLEY *****T ***** 1/)))Q 5: Thomas HUMFREY (1790) ****** sp-5: Ann . MUNDY ****** ***** 2/)))Q 5: Elizabeth HUMFREY (1791) ****** sp-5: Unknown NEWTON ****** ***** 3/)))Q 5: Jane HUMFREY (1793) ****** ***** 4/)))Q 5: Joseph HUMFREY (1795) ****** sp-5: Martha LOWSLEY ******T ****** 1/)))Q 4: Hannah HUMFREY (1824) ****** 2/)))Q 4: Simeon HUMFREY (1827) ******* ****** 3/)))Q 4: Nathaniel HUMFREY (1828) ******* sp-4: Jane PEARMAN (1838) *******T ******* 1/)))Q 3: Edith Agnes HUMFREY (1857) ******** sp-3: Unknown BAYLEY ******** ******* 2/)))Q 3: Fanny Jane HUMFREY (1860) ******** ******* 3/)))Q 3: William Joseph HUMFREY (1863) ******** sp-3: Gwendolen EDWARDS ******** ******* 4/)))Q 3: Blanche Amy HUMFREY (1865) ******* 5/)))Q 3: Mercy Jane HUMFREY (1867) ******** ******* 6/)))Q 3: John HUMFREY (1870) ******** sp-3: UNKNOWN ********T ******** 1/)))Q-2: Ewan John HUMFREY (1909) ********* sp-2: Winifred Ethel GATES ********* ******** 2.)))Q-2: Blanche Eileen HUMFREY ******** sp-2: Unknown HAWLEY ******** ******* 7/)))Q 3: Stanley P HUMFREY ******** ******* 8.)))Q 3: Flora Eleanor HUMFREY ******* sp-3: Unknown SLADE *******



11: Thomas HUMFREY (1616) sp-11: Ann UNKNOWN

T 1/)))Q 10: Thomas HUMFREY

* sp-10: Mary STACEY


* 1/)))Q 9: John HUMFREY

** sp-9: Ann ILBURY


** 1/)))Q 8: Thomas HUMFREY

*** sp-8: Eleanor YOUEN


*** 1/)))Q 7: Thomas HUMFREY **** sp-7: Jane GAMMON ****T **** 3/)))Q 6: Thomas HUMFREY (1756) ***** sp-6: Hannah LOWSLEY ****** ***** 4/)))Q 5: Joseph HUMFREY (1795) ****** sp-5: Martha LOWSLEY

-*- -*- -*- -*- -*- -*- -*- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- ****** 4/)))Q 4: Philip HUMFREY (1830) continued from ******* sp-4: Rhoda UNKNOWN last page *******T ******* 1/)))Q 3: William Duncan HUMFREY (1854) ******** ******* 2/)))Q 3: Alice Jessie HUMFREY (1856) ******** sp-3: John ANGER ******** ******* 3/)))Q 3: Annie HUMFREY (1861) ******* 4.)))Q 3: Constance HUMFREY (1863) ******* ****** 5/)))Q 4: Phoebe HUMFREY (1833) ****** 6/)))Q 4: Zacchaus HUMFREY (1836) ******* ****** 7/)))Q 4: Grace Martha HUMFREY (1839) ******* sp-4: Henry Euean RUMBLE (1834) * * * * * * * T +)))))))))))))))))))))))))), * * * * * * * .)))1 RUMBLE BRANCH 1 page 662 * * * * * * * * .))))))))))))))))))))))))))- ****** 8.)))Q 4: Mercy HUMFREY (1840) ****** ***** 5/)))Q 5: William HUMFREY ****** ***** 6/)))Q 5: Eleanor HUMFREY (1798) ****** sp-5: Unknown WESTRIDGE ****** ***** 7.)))Q 5: John HUMFREY (1800) ***** **** 4.)))Q 6: Frances HUMFREY (1760) ****

2/)))Q 7: John HUMFREY (1725) ****

3/)))Q 7: Frances HUMFREY (1727) **** sp-7: Unknown GAMMON ****

4/)))Q 7: Eleanor HUMFREY (1730) **** sp-7: Unknown ELDRIDGE ****

5.)))Q 7: Martha HUMFREY

sp-7: John FULLER ***

** 2/)))Q 8: Ilbury HUMFREY

*** sp-8: Mary UNKNOWN ***

3/)))Q 8: John HUMFREY ***

4/)))Q 8: Mary HUMFREY (1702)

*** sp-8: Robert WITHERELL ***

5/)))Q 8: Nicholas HUMFREY (1703)

6/)))Q 8: Edward HUMFREY (1704)

7/)))Q 8: Ann HUMFREY (1708)

8.)))Q 8: Sarah HUMFREY (1711) **

2/)))Q 9: Thomas HUMFREY

3/)))Q 9: Nicholas HUMFREY

4/)))Q 9: Martha HUMFREY

5/)))Q 9: Mary HUMFREY

6/)))Q 9: Frances HUMFREY

7/)))Q 9: William HUMFREY

8/)))Q 9: Anne HUMFREY

9/)))Q 9: Sarah HUMFREY

10.)))Q 9: Dinah HUMFREY

* 2.)))Q 10: John HUMFREY




7: Valentine KNIGHT (1722) sp-7: Ann UNKNOWN

T .)))Q 6: Valentine KNIGHT sp-6: Mary UNKNOWN

T 1.)))Q 5: Valentine KNIGHT (1792) sp-5: Elizabeth WATSON (1802)

T 1/)))Q 4: Valentine C KNIGHT (1825)

* sp-4: Sydney Anne UNKNOWN

* 2/)))Q 4: Elizabeth KNIGHT (1826)

* sp-4: William A LANGDALE (1818)


* 1/)))Q 3: Rose Edith LANGDALE (1857)

** sp-3: Edward Bird SELBY **

2/)))Q 3: Florence Ada LANGDALE (1858)

3/)))Q 3: Valentine V LANGDALE (1859) **

4/)))Q 3: Blanche H LANGDALE (1861)

** sp-3: James POPE


** 1.)))Q 2: Vyvyen POPE **

* 5.)))Q 3: William LANGDALE (1867) * 3/)))Q 4: William Watson KNIGHT (1828)

* 4/)))Q 4: John Watson KNIGHT (1830)

* sp-4: UNKNOWN


* 1.)))Q 3: John Aubrey KNIGHT (1873) +)))))))))))))))))))))))), * sp-3: Florence C BUCKNALL (1873) * HOCHEE BRANCH page 677 *

* .))))))0)))))))))))))))))- 5/)))Q 4: Anthony KNIGHT (1831) *

* sp-4: Letitia C HOCHEE (1834)S)))))))))))-


* 1/)))Q 3: Valentine E KNIGHT (1862)

** sp-3: Lavinia Jane J RUVELL


1/)))Q 2: Valentine A KNIGHT (1892) ***

2/)))Q 2: Frederick Henry KNIGHT (1895)

*** sp-2: Gladys CLEMENT


*** 1.)))Q 1: Margaret L KNIGHT (1921) ***

** 3.)))Q 2: Courtney S KNIGHT (1899) **

* 2/)))Q 3: Frederick W KNIGHT (1864)

** sp-3: Mary Gerard RAWLINSON **

* 3/)))Q 3: Kate Rosaline KNIGHT (1866)

** sp-3: Harry Humfrey RUMBLE (1866)

* T +)))))))))))))))))))))))))), * * .)))))))1 RUMBLE BRANCH 1 page 663 *

* .))))))))))))))))))))))))))- R



.)))Q 5: Valentine KNIGHT (1792)

sp-5: Elizabeth WATSON (1802)

T 5/)))Q 4: Anthony KNIGHT (1831)

* sp-4: Letitia C HOCHEE (1834) - - - - -*- -T- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

* 4/)))Q 3: Henry St.John KNIGHT (1867) continued from

** sp1-3: Ellen T GLANVILLE (1875) last page


** 1/)))Q 2: Anthony Henry A KNIGHT (1895)

*** sp-2: Violet May WARREN


1/)))Q 1: Jack St.John KNIGHT **** sp-1: Margaret REEDMAN ****T **** 1/)))Q(2) Linda Margaret KNIGHT ***** sp-(2) Kenneth John ACOTT * * * * *T ***** 1/)))Q (3) Nicola ACOTT ***** 2.)))Q (3) Thomas ACOTT ***** **** 2.)))Q (2) Stephen John KNIGHT ****

2.)))Q 1: Joan Theresa KNIGHT

sp-1: Ronald HATFULL

*** T

1/)))Q (2) David HATFULL *** * sp-(2) Marion UNKNOWN *** *

2/)))Q (2) Graham HATFULL *** * sp-(2) Katherine PFLANZE *** *T *** * 1.)))Q (3) Frederick HATFULL *** *

3.)))Q (2) Gillian HATFULL

sp-(2) Steve MORRIS

*** T

1/)))Q (3) Lucy MORRIS

2.)))Q (3) Peter MORRIS ***

** 2.)))Q 2: Unknown KNIGHT (died at birth with her mother) * * +))))))))))))))))))))))))), ** sp2-3: Mary Emily (May) POCOCK (1872) S))))1 HO CHEE BRANCH page 677 *

* * T .)))))))))))))))))))))))))-

1/)))Q 2: Edith KNIGHT (1901) ***

2/)))Q 2: Ernest St.John KNIGHT (1905)

sp1-2: Eileen SPICER

sp2-2: Gwen UNKNOWN ***

3.)))Q 2: William Crawford KNIGHT (1906)

sp-2: Doris WRIGHT

** T

1/)))Q 1: Margaret E KNIGHT (1935)

* sp-1: Preben R. JAKOBSEN

** *T

* 1/)))Q (2) Karen Lisa JAKOBSEN

* 2.)))Q (2) Lars Eric JAKOBSEN ** *

2/)))Q 1: Doreen Gladys KNIGHT (1937) ** *

3/)))Q 1: Henry KNIGHT

* sp-1: Rosemary Jane ROWLAND

** *T

* 1/)))Q (2) Alexandra KNIGHT (1972)

* 2.)))Q (2) Lindsay KNIGHT (1975)



.)))Q 5: Valentine KNIGHT (1792) sp-5: Elizabeth WATSON (1802)

T 5/)))Q 4: Anthony KNIGHT (1831) +))))))))))))))))))))))))), * sp-4: Letitia C HOCHEE (1834) * HO CHEE BRANCH page 677 *

* T .))))))0))))))))))))))))))- * 4/)))Q 3: Henry St.John KNIGHT (1867) *

** sp2-3: Mary Emily (May) POCOCK (1872 S))))))))))-


** 3.)))Q 2: William Crawford KNIGHT (1906)

** sp-2: Doris WRIGHT - - - - -*- -*- - - -T - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

4.)))Q 1: Anne Denise KNIGHT (1942) continued from last page

sp-1: Michael WALL

** T

1/)))Q (2) Carl Adam WALL ** *

2.)))Q (2) James Aidan WALL

sp-(2) Dorothy MACALERY

** T

1.)))Q (3) Jade Sarah WALL **

sp3-3: Susie Winifred TURRELL


1/)))Q 2: Percy Allan KNIGHT (1944) ***

2/)))Q 2: Graham F KNIGHT (1946)

*** sp-2: Margaret FANNER


1/)))Q 1: Sarah Jane KNIGHT

2.)))Q 1: Daniel KNIGHT ***

3.)))Q 2: John Watson KNIGHT (1948)

sp1-2: Pauline MURRIN

** T

1/)))Q 1: Mark John KNIGHT

2.)))Q 1: Neil Simon KNIGHT **

sp2-2: Sandra WENSLEY-SMITH **

* 5/)))Q 3: Mary Georgina KNIGHT (1872)

** sp-3: Herbert Montague RUMBLE (1868)

* T +)))))))))))))))))))))))))), * * .)))))))))))1 RUMBLE BRANCH 3 page 669 *

* .))))))))))))))))))))))))))-

6.)))Q 3: Churchill KNIGHT (1879)

sp-3: Daisy Maud BURNETT


1.)))Q 2: Ronald William H KNIGHT

sp-2: Juanita Larna AINSLIE (1909) * 6/)))Q 4: Frederick KNIGHT (1834)

* 7/)))Q 4: Charlotte R KNIGHT (1836)

* sp-4: William HILL Lt.Gen.


* 1.)))Q 3: Valentine HILL

* 8/)))Q 4: Katharine KNIGHT (1838)

* sp-4: Arthur D CHAPMAN * 9/)))Q 4: Henry KNIGHT (1841) *

10.)))Q 4: Alice Mary KNIGHT (1843) sp-4: Henry V SHORTLAND




1-- 6: Foo HO (Mandarin) sp-6: UNKNOWN-88

T .)))Q 5: Chee (John) HO sp-5: Charlotte MOLE T 1/)))Q 4: Sarah HOCHEE

(1791-1869) +)))))))))))))))))))))))))), (1805-1882)))))1 MERRITON BRANCH page 679 * .))))))))))))))))))))))))))- (1824-1894)

* sp-4: Thorold LOWDELL (1819-1881)


1/)))Q 3: Unknown LOWDELL (1854)

2/)))Q 3: Mary Henrietta LOWDELL (1856)

3/)))Q 3: Thorold John LOWDELL (1857) **

4/)))Q 3: Sydney James LOWDELL (1859-1894)

sp-3: Lucy Henrietta PACKARD ( ? -1918) ***

1/))))Q2: Ethel Henrieta LOWDELL (1886-1960) ***

2.))))Q2: Rosa Geraldine LOWDELL (1888-1959)

sp-2: Elias MORRIS JONES (1924-1966) ** *

1/))))Q1:John MORRIS JONES (1925)

2/))))Q1:David MORRIS JONES (1926)

3/))))Q1:Mary MORRIS JONES (1930)

4.))))Q1:Peter MORRIS JONES (1931) **

* 5/)))Q 3: William T LOWDELL (1861)

** sp-3: Hilda WHETHAM (1866) **

* 6/)))Q 3: Sarah Alice LOWDELL (1862)

** sp-3: Unknown CHAPLIN **

7/)))Q 3: Emily Ada LOWDELL (1862)

8.)))Q 3: Jessie E LOWDELL (1864)

* 2/)))Q 4: Henrietta HOCHEE (1826-1911)

* sp-4: Sydney Poole LOWDELL (c1831-1922) * 3/)))Q 4: John Elphinstone Fatqua HOCHEE (1828-1883) * 4/)))Q 4: Jane HOCHEE (1830-1846)

* 5/)))Q 4: James HOCHEE (1832-1896)

* sp-4: Emma FRY (1833-1904)

*T * * +)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))), * .))))))1 JAMES HOCHEE BRANCH page 678 *

* .))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))-

* 6/)))Q 4: Letitia C HOCHEE (1834-1920)

* sp-4: Anthony KNIGHT (1831-1912)

T +)))))))))))))))))))))))), * .))))))1 KNIGHT BRANCH page 674 *

.))))))))))))))))))))))))- 7/)))Q 4: Ann HOCHEE (1840-1920)

* sp-4: Crawford John POCOCK Dr (1840-1890)


1.)))Q 3: Mary Emily (May) POCOCK (1873-1943)

sp-3: Henry St.John KNIGHT (1867-1951) * * +)))))))))))))))))))))))), * .))1 KNIGHT BRANCH page 675 *

* .))))))))))))))))))))))))- *

8.)))Q 4: Emily HOCHEE (1844-1904) sp-4: Frank ABRAHAM (? -1917)




1-- 6: Foo HO (Mandarin) sp-6: UNKNOWN-88

T .)))Q 5: Chee (John) HO (1791-1869) +)))))))))))))))))))))))))),

sp-5: Charlotte MOLE (1805-1882)))))1 MERRITON BRANCH page 679 * T .))))))))))))))))))))))))))- * *

5.)))Q 4: James HOCHEE (1832-1896) sp-4: Emma FRY (1833-1904)

T 1/)))Q 3: John Elphinstone James HOCHEE (1865)

* (died at age 13?)

* 2/)))Q 3: Rose Emma HOCHEE (1866) 3/)))Q 3: Ada Ottley Emma HOCHEE (1867)

* 4/)))Q 3: Alice Marie Emma HOCHEE (1870)

sp-3: Percy James DUNCAN (1866) **

1/)))))2: Charles Percy H DUNCAN (1897)

sp-2: Ellen Daisy GREEN (1895) ***

1/)))))1: Peter George J DUNCAN (1927)

*** sp-1: Valerie M SMALLWOOD (1927) ***

2.)))))1: Guy Charles DUNCAN (1934)

sp-1: Jennifer J CRAWFORD (1928) ** *

1/))))))(2): Anna Patricia DUNCAN

* sp-(2): Charles UTLEY ** *

2/))))))(2): Nicola Jane DUNCAN (1966)

* sp-(2): John LAYTON ** *

3.))))))(2): Celia Mary DUNCAN (1970) **

2/)))))2: Beatrice Mary C DUNCAN (1902) **

3.)))))2: James Robert N DUNCAN (1904)

sp-2: Marjorie L HOLLOWAY (1904)

* 5/)))Q 3: Charlotte Elizabeth Emma HOCHEE (1871)

* sp-3: Harold de Courcy CHILD (1877) *

6.)))Q 3: Florence Emma HOCHEE (1872) sp-3: Peter C. GEORGE




12: John MERRITON (d.1642) sp-12: Margaret UNKNOWN (d.1665)

T 1/)))Q 11: Margaret MERRITON (1598) 2/)))Q 11: Elizabeth MERRITON (1600)

* 3/)))Q 11: Katherine MERRITON (1603)

* sp-11: Edward WELCH


1/)))Q 10: Margaret WELCH (1638)

2/)))Q 10: Edward WELCH (1640) **

3/)))Q 10: William WELCH (1642)

** sp-10: Frances UNKNOWN


1/)))Q 9: George WELCH (1677)

2/)))Q 9: William WELCH (1679)

3/)))Q 9: Frances WELCH (1682) ***

4/)))Q 9: Daniel WELCH (1686)

*** sp-9: Susan HAMMOND


1/)))Q 8: William WELCH (1717) ****

2.)))Q 8: Daniel WELCH (1719) +))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))), *** sp-8: Susan CHAMBERLAINE (1719)S)1 CHAMBERLAINE BRANCH page 680 *

* * * T .)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))-

1/)))Q 7: William WELCH (1745) *** *

2.)))Q 7: Susanna WELCH (1746)

sp-7: James MOLE (1747)

*** T

1/)))Q 6: Chamberlain MOLE (1765) +)))))))))))))))))))))))), *** * sp-6: Martha MILTON (1768)S))))1 MILTON BRANCH page 680 * * * * * T .))))))))))))))))))))))))- *** * 1/)))Q 5: John MOLE (1789) *** * 2/)))Q 5: Susanna MOLE (1790) *** * 3/)))Q 5: Mary MOLE (1792) *** * 4/)))Q 5: Sarah MOLE (1795) *** * 5/)))Q 5: William MOLE (1797) *** * 6/)))Q 5: Thomas MOLE *** * 7/)))Q 5: Robert MOLE (1801) *** * 8/)))Q 5: Martha MOLE (1803) *** ** *** * 9/)))Q 5: Charlotte MOLE (1805) *** ** sp-5: Chee (John) HO (1789) * * * * * T +)))))))))))))))))))))))))), *** **.))))1 HO CHEE BRANCH page 677 * * * * * * .))))))))))))))))))))))))))- *** * 10/)))Q 5: Charles MOLE (1807) *** * 11/)))Q 5: Jane MOLE (1809) *** * 12.)))Q 5: Amelia MOLE (1812) *** *

2/)))Q 6: Sarah MOLE (1771)

3.)))Q 6: Susannah MOLE (1781) ***

** 5.)))Q 9: Michael WELCH (1696) **

* 4.)))Q 10: Michael WELCH (1644)

* 4/)))Q 11: John MERRITON (1605) 5/)))Q 11: Ann MERRITON (1608) 6/)))Q 11: Mary MERRITON (1610) 7/)))Q 11: Martha MERRITON (1612) 8/)))Q 11: Bridgett MERRITON (1615) 9/)))Q 11: Jane MERRITON (1617)

10/)))Q 11: Michaell MERRITON (1620) 11.)))Q 11: Thomas MERRITON (1623)





T 1/)))Q 9: Mary CHAMBERLAINE (1682) 2/)))Q 9: Sarah CHAMBERLAINE (1683) 3/)))Q 9: Susannah CHAMBERLAINE (1684) 4/)))Q 9: Rabacka CHAMBERLAINE (1686) 5/)))Q 9: Katrine CHAMBERLAINE (1687)

* 6.)))Q 9: John CHAMBERLAINE (1688) sp-9: 9Elizabeth HOULGATE (1682)


1/)))Q 8: Elizabeth CHAMBERLAINE (1713)

2/)))Q 8: John CHAMBERLAINE (1716)

3/)))Q 8: William CHAMBERLAINE (1717)

* 4/)))Q 8: Susan CHAMBERLAINE (1719)

* sp-8: Daniel WELCH (1719)

T +)))))))))))))))))))))))))), * .))1 MERRITON BRANCH page 679 *

.))))))))))))))))))))))))))- 5.)))Q 8: James CHAMBERLAINE (1721)


1-- 8: Joseph MILTON

sp-8: Mary UNKNOWN

T 1/)))Q 7: Abigail MILTON (1727) 2/)))Q 7: Anne MILTON (1728) 3/)))Q 7: Joseph MILTON (1730) 4/)))Q 7: Mary MILTON (1733)

* 5/)))Q 7: James MILTON (1734)

* sp-7: Sarah KENT


1/)))Q 6: Sarah MILTON (1760)

2/)))Q 6: Mary MILTON (1764)

3/)))Q 6: Abigail MILTON (1766) **

4/)))Q 6: Martha MILTON (1768)

** sp-6: Chamberlain MOLE (1765)

* T +)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))), * * .)))1 SEE MERRITON BRANCH page 679 *

* .))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))-

5/)))Q 6: Elizabeth MILTON (1771)

6.)))Q 6: Ketty MILTON (1775)

* 6/)))Q 7: Mariah MILTON (1737) 7.)))Q 7: Esther MILTON (1739)




1-- Thomas RAITHBY sp-Susan UNKNOWN (1800)

* 1/)2-- Aron RAITHBY (1828) 2/)2-- Job RAITHBY (1830) 3/)2-- Susan RAITHBY (1832) 4/)2-- Marshal RAITHBY (1835)

* 5.)2--S))),

* 1-- Joshua MELSON * sp-Maria UNKNOWN * ** 1/)2-- John MELSON (1829) * **

2/)2-- Joshua MELSON * (1831)

sp-Mary RAITHBYS))))))))))))- (1837) +))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))), ** *JOHN RICHARDSON CHART page 684 *

1/)3-- Jane MELSON (1861) **

2/)3-- Thomas RAITHBY MELSON (1863)

.)))))))))0)))))))))))))))))))))- * *

** sp-Jemima Polly RICHARDSON (1864)S)))))))))))))))- *** * * * +)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))), * * .)))))1SEE THOMAS RAITHBY MELSON BRANCH page 682 *

* * .))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))- **

3/)3-- Joseph RAITHBY MELSON (1865) **

4/)3-- Frances Raithby MELSON (1868)

sp-Unknown UNKNOWN ***

1.)4-- Minnie UNKNOWN

sp-Thomas WOOD ** *

1/)5-- Dorothy WOOD

2.)5-- Margaret WOOD **

5/)3-- Ruth MELSON (1873)

6/)3-- Susan MELSON (1874)

7.)3-- Joseph MELSON (1877)

* 3/)2-- Eliza MELSON (1833) 4/)2-- Joseph MELSON (1835) 5.)2-- Francis (Frances?) MELSON (1837)




+)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))), *FROM JOSHUA MELSON CHART page 681 * .)))))0))))))))))))))))))))))))))))-

* 2.)3-- Thomas RAITHBY MELSON (1863) sp-Jemima Polly RICHARDSON (1864)

* 1/)4-- John RAITHBY MELSON (1889) * 2/)4-- Susan (Sissy) MELSON (1891)

sp-Henry TURNER (1892) **

1/)5-- Eva TURNER (1917) - died aged 18 months **

2/)5-- Edward TURNER (1918)

sp-Rose JARVIS ***

1/)6-- Patricia Rose TURNER (1946) ***

2/)6-- George TURNER

*** sp-Sandra UNKNOWN ***

** 3/)6-- Paul TURNER

*** sp-Unknown MCGUINNES ***

** 4.)6-- Andrew TURNER **

* 3/)5-- Harry TURNER (1919)

** sp-Anne WILSON (1911) **

* 4/)5-- Dorothy (Dolly) TURNER (1922)

sp-Frederick MANDRY ***

1.)6-- Guy Stephen MANDRY (1953) **

* 5/)5-- Thomas TURNER (1927)

sp-Mary Adamson MCBRIDE ***

1/6Q-- Doreen TURNER (1963) - died 1979 ***

2.6Q-- Sandra TURNER (1966)

sp-Ross Malcolm HARRIS ** *

1/)7-- Stuart Grant HARRIS (1992)

2.)7-- Rachel Anne HARRIS (1995) **

6.)5-- Margaret TURNER (1932)

sp-Harry METHLEY (1932) **

1/)6-- Christopher John METHLEY (1958)

** sp-Claudia UNKNOWN **

* 2.)6-- Nigel Stewart METHLEY (1963)

* 3/)4-- Robert RAITHBY MELSON (1894) 4/)4-- Harry MELSON (1896) 5/)4-- Gertrude MELSON (1898)

* 6/)4-- Joseph MELSON (1899)

* sp-Violet Olive ALLERTON (1902) * * +))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))), * .))))1 JOSEPH MELSON BRANCH page 683 *

* .)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))-

* 7/)4-- Edward MELSON (1902)

* sp-Dorothy Matilda DUPUY (1897) * * +))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))), * .))))1 EDWARD MELSON BRANCH page 683 *

* .)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))-

* 8/)4-- Herbert MELSON (1903)

* sp-Violet WHITTAM *

9/)4-- Mary MELSON (1906) 10.)4-- Jemima MELSON (1906)




* 6.)4-- Joseph MELSON sp-Violet Olive ALLERTON

1-- Joshua MELSON sp-Maria UNKNOWN * 2.)2-- Joshua MELSON (1831) sp-Mary RAITHBY (1837) * 2.)3-- Thomas RAITHBY MELSON (1865) Records down to here are reproduced from sp-Jemima Polly RICHARDSON (1864) the last page to show the ancestors of Joseph Melson more clearly (1899) (1902) * 1/)5-- Kathleen Mary MELSON (1926)

sp-John Victor FALL (1928) **

/)6-- Judith Anne FALL (1955)

** sp-Ian Peter OZANNE (1954) ***

* /)7-- Benjamin Ian OZANNE (1979)

* .)7-- Sasha Joy OZANNE (1983) **

.)6-- Peter John FALL (1957)

sp-Lee Heather BAKER-(divorced) (1959) **

/)7-- Shannon Jean FALL (1979)

/)7-- Michelle Kathleen FALL (1981)

/)7-- Christopher John FALL (1982)

.)7-- Amy Elizabeth FALL (1989) *

2.)5-- Doreen Ellen MELSON (1928) sp-John James WALKER (1928)

* 1/)6-- Stephen John WALKER (1954)

sp-Sandra WINNING (19??) **

1/)7-- Michael Bruce WALKER (1991)

2.)7-- Daniel Thomas WALKER (1994)

* 2.)6-- Bruce Richard WALKER (1957) Died 1977


* 7.)4-- Edward MELSON sp-Dorothy Matilda DUPUY

1-- Joshua MELSON sp-Maria UNKNOWN * 2.)2-- Joshua MELSON (1831) sp-Mary RAITHBY (1837) * 2.)3-- Thomas RAITHBY MELSON (1865) Records down to here are reproduced from sp-Jemima Polly RICHARDSON (1864) the last page to show the ancestors of Edward Melson more clearly (1902) (1897) * 1/)5-- Cynthia Mary MELSON (1928)

sp-Alan James WARD (1922) **

1/)6-- Graham John WARD (1952)

** sp-Marguerite Francoise LOWE (1948) **

* 2/)6-- Alison Jane WARD (1953)

sp-Terrence John BANKS ***

1/)7-- Michael John BANKS (1983)

2.)7-- Stephen James BANKS (1985) **

3.)6-- David Robert WARD (1956)

sp-Margaret SMITH (1958)

* 2.)5-- Robert Peter MELSON (1930)




1-- John RICHARDSON sp-Unknown UNKNOWN

* 1.)2-- John RICHARDSON (1822) sp1-Jemima HARRISON (1826)

* 1/)3-- Elenor Maria RICHARDSON (1853) 2/)3-- Emily Louisa RICHARDSON (1855) 3/)3-- Elizabeth Ann RICHARDSON (1856) 4/)3-- Sarah RICHARDSON (1857) 5/)3-- William Harrison RICHARDSON (1858) 6/)3-- John Jack RICHARDSON (1860) 7/)3-- Charles RICHARDSON (1861) 8/)3-- George RICHARDSON (1863)

* 9/)3-- Jemima Polly RICHARDSON (1864)

* sp-Thomas RAITHBY MELSON (1863) ** * * +)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))), * .))))1 THOMAS RAITHBY MELSON BRANCH page 681-2 *

* .))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))-

* 10/)3-- Elenor RICHARDSON (1866)

sp-Owen EVANS **

1/)4Q- Owen EVANS

** sp-Connie UNKNOWN **

* 2.)4-- Blaudwin EVANS

* 11.)3-- Elizabeth RICHARDSON (1867)

sp2-Eliza UNKNOWN (1832)

sp3-Harriet HARDY (1834)




.))))Q4: Thomas C ALLERTON sp-4: Maryann KING

T 1/)))Q 3: Thomas Henry ALLERTON (1867) * 2/)))Q 3: Charlotte ALLERTON (1868) * 3/)))Q 3: Ellen M ALLERTON (1870) +))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))), * sp-3: Jack MARKES * WELLS & CATER BRANCH page 686 *

* .)))))))))))))))0)))))))))))))))- 4/)))Q 3: Mabel G ALLERTON (1872) * ** 5.)))Q 3: William T ALLERTON (1873) * sp-3: Annie Emily CATER (1879))))))))))))))))))))))))))-

* 1/)))Q 2: Violet Olive ALLERTON (1902)

* sp-2: Joseph MELSON (1899)

*T * * +))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))), * .))))))1 JOSEPH MELSON BRANCH page 683 *

* .)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))-

* 2/)))Q 2: William T ALLERTON (1903)

* sp-2: Ella CHETWYND


1.)))Q 1: William T ALLERTON

sp-1: Shirley UNKNOWN


* 1/)))Q (2) William ALLERTON

** sp-(2) Toni MAY

* *T

** 1.)))Q (3) Jesse Edwin ALLERTON (1990) **

* 2.)))Q (2) Jo-Anne ALLERTON *

3.)))Q 2: Henry Markes ALLERTON (1905) sp-2: Anastacia S BOVELL

T 1.)))Q 1: Ross William ALLERTON (1937) sp-1: Brenda Myrtle THOMAS (1940)

T 1/)))Q (2) Deborah Kay ALLERTON (1966) * 2.)))Q (2) Julie Ann ALLERTON (1968)




6: William WELLS (1778) sp-6: Ann PITCHER (1780)

T 1/)))Q 5: Mary WELLS (1804) 2/)))Q 5: Robert WELLS (1806) 3/)))Q 5: Mary WELLS (1808) 4/)))Q 5: Dinah WELLS (1810) 5/)))Q 5: Robert WELLS (1812) 6/)))Q 5: Francis WELLS (1814) 7/)))Q 5: Caroline WELLS (1816)

* 8.)))Q 5: Sarah WELLS (1821) sp-5: Edward SMITH


1.)))Q 4: Mary Elizabeth SMITH (1854)

sp-4: Edward CATER

T 1/)))Q 3: Annie Emily CATER (1879)

* sp-3: William T ALLERTON (1873)

T +)))))))))))))))))))))))))), * .)))))))))))1 ALLERTON BRANCH page 685 *

.))))))))))))))))))))))))))- 2/)))Q 3: Edith CATER (1880)

* 3/)))Q 3: Harriet CATER (1882)

* sp-3: Patrick O'DONNELL

* 4/)))Q 3: Harry CATER (1893)

sp-3: Sarah UNKNOWN **

1/)))Q2: Unknown CATER

2.)))Q2: Unknown CATER

* 5/)))Q 3: William CATER 6/)))Q 3: George CATER 7/)))Q 3: Alice CATER

* 8/)))Q 3: Connie CATER

* sp-3: Charles WAKE


1/)))Q 2: Charles WAKE **

2.)))Q 2: Miriam WAKE

sp-2: Pinkerton MCCALLIE


1.)))Q 1: Malcolm MCCALLIE

sp1-1: UNKNOWN


1.)))Q (2) Ian MCCALLIE

sp-(2) UNKNOWN *

sp2 - 1: Anne Unknown

* 9/)))Q 3: Elizabeth CATER

* sp-3: Unknown HALLAM

* 10.)))Q 3: Arthur CATER